
Canon Oasis

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A long time ago there was a very secret place in a dead old forest. Some men had come here to prove how strong and wise they were. They would build the worlds largest canon.

So they made a gigantic mold, and poured hot metal into it. They made huge cannon balls the same way.

Then, after it had cooled they revealed their masterpiece. So proud were they!

But only after they had congratulated themselves with a party did they try to move it. Try as they might it was just too big to move. They tried pushing it, pulling it with horses, winches, pulleys and everything else they could think of, but it wouldn’t budge. Not feeling terribly strong or wise the men left the canon and left the forest, never to return.

The canon sat alone in the dead forest. During each rain the canon filled with water, and stayed filled for a long time. A bird discovered that it was a good place to take a drink in this dry, lifeless forest.

Soon birds from all over the land were coming to the canon to drink. They left behind seeds of all the different plants they had eaten. It was sometimes a bit messy, but the forest didn’t mind.

Before long those seeds began to grow.

And grow.

And grow. Into all kinds of wonderful plants and trees. Beautiful flowers, colorful berry bushes, fruit and nut trees tall and small, leafy vines which entwined the canon.

And then the animals started coming. Small ones at first, furry and scaly, who lived in the shelter of the canon or in it’s trees.

Then the big animals came. Animals with manes. Animals with horns.

And the birds and the animals all drank from the canon, ever full of water, and shared all that this wonderous oasis in the dead forest could offer, together. They all seemed to realize how special a place this was, and that it’s wonderous gifts were for all to share. And so they lived in peace and friendship.

The forest was revitalized. And the men who built the canon never knew that they had been wise after all. Wise for leaving the cannon right where it was, so that it could create an oasis, and breathe life back into the forest.

To this very day the animals share that vast beautiful forest. And, if you can find it, at the very center of a very secret place sits a gigantic canon.

Illustration by Irv and Jon Koons.
Published in Young Arthur & the Magic Sword. © 2008 by Jon Koons. All rights reserved.

Website contents © Jon Koons 2022
Website Design by Striking Images


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